Last night we treated ourselves to a fancy dinner and then when out on the town (or village I should say). We went to the 'happeningist' bar around 6 Grado. We were shocked when the police came to shut it down because people were dancing! Apparently that is against the law here (very Footloose). The moon was shining so brightly in the Southern sky we decided that it was probably a good idea to go for a hike. So at 2 in the morning I went hiking out to Death Valley by the full moon's light. It was the most impressive thing I've seen. It was beautiful and the moon was so bright you could see everything around you. We arrived in Death Valley after about an hour of trekking and then climbed the most monstrous sand dunes. Some of the people brought sand boards along, so once we made it up, we all sand boarded back down! It was so much fun. I am still finding sand all over! Sand boarding is like snow boarding only harder. We made the trek back in the early morning. When I arrived at the hostel to sleep the sun was rising.
We had two hours to sleep and we had to get up to ride! We had booked a five hour of horseback riding tour. We were hurting, but it was worth it. It was just us two and our guide, Rodrigo. Liz was very brave on her first horse ride. She rode Poroto and I had Estrella. An Estrella (star) she was. There were several times when we got to just go for it and let them run. We did a lot of cantering and I even got Estrella up to a gallop for a bit. It was so invigorating. We loved it!
Lizzie´s note:
Yes, the horse riding was fun, and I´ve been dying to go. My horse however had a mind of his own and didn´t like to go slow. I´m pretty sure mine was galloping at some points but I was so busy holding on for dear life, I didn´t quite enjoy it like Erin did. But, now I´ve done it and can´t wait to do it again! PS We were in sand dunes when he took off, a much softer landing if needed!

Again we had a nice dinner, but called it an early night as we were leaving for Uyuni, Bolivia early the next morning. That adventure to follow shortly....
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