Liz and I thought we´d spend our last day in Cusco on a four hour horse back ride, but that turned out to be a very bad idea. We paid about $20 the night before, and when we arrived we realized we just couldn´t do it. The poor horses were emaciated and litteraly on their last legs. Being the animal lovers that we are, we just couldn´t bring ourselves to ride these poor horses. The kid running the place tried to tell me that it is normal for horses in the Andes to be so skinny because of the altitude. I told him I thought that was weird, because it didn´t seem to affect the people that way. So, with the horse men thinking we were crazy to waste our money and just turn around and walk away we walked down back into town and instead went to an Inca Museam. That turned out to be very interesting and educational and a great way to cap off our few days in Cusco.
We really loved Cusco, as we found it to be a backpackers haven of sorts. There is much more tourists there which causes the locals to harrass you a lot more, but it also creates much more restaurants that serve things other than meat and rice. For our last dinner we went to a really nice place, 2 Nations. I had the best Alpaca steak ever! (thanks for the recommendation Mick!) I also wanted to comment that not all chicha is like dirt water. We did have chicha in restaurants in the city and it was more like a spiced drink, very refreshing. So, if ever in Peru don't be afraid to try the chicha.
Also, a favorite little part of mine of Peru was being given a Quechua name by our Quechua speaking guide in Machu Picchu, Ricardo. He named me Ch'Aska Nuhuicha - this means "ojitos de las estrellas" or "little eyes of the stars". I just eat that shit up!
Well, so much for "old iron sides Erin" I got hit and I got hit hard by some nasty 24 hour little bug. I had the pleasure of vomiting upon first entering Chile and all the night long on our way to San Pedro de Atacama. Liz was the best friend I could ask for as she held my hair back and rubbed my back. It was miserable! But I am happy to report I´m feeling much better. And hopefully that will be it for the travelers bugs!
It was so great to arrive in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile and have Katherine arrive just a few hours later. Reunited! The three of us have been having a blast in what can only be described as the driest place in the world! I think that is actually San Pedros claim to fame. This is a serious desert! We have done some fun tours of geysers, cactus forests, natural hot springs, lagunas, a salar (salt flat) and we saw Valle de la Luna, which was amazing. We got to run down the most amazing sand dunes.
We also had the fortune of being taken out by our waiters at Ayllu restaurant one night to a crazy local Penas Party (I don't think I need to tell you what we initially thought this party was called!) It was actually a traditional party where a live band played folk music. We danced all night and were the only Gringas in the place. We got a lot of attention, but we are used to that! I loved it!
Liz and I will be heading next to Antofagasta to meet up with her cousin, Ryan for a few days. Then we make our way down to Santiago for the 18th. Think fourth of July only way better - big time Fiestas!
um i am sooooo jealous of you erin!!!! i must do this when i am out of college! miss you! have fun! good luck!
those sand dunes look amazing... and way to get some sun liz!
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